Basic position and side names
To solve the Rubik’s cube you have to be familiar with some basic moves and you need to be able
to orientate yourself on your cube. To do this we will introduce a special notation so that each time
when you see a cube in the following position, called " basic position"
you will know directly what we mean by its front side, its back side,.. etc. This will
not depend on the colors of the cube but only on its orientation as you can see on the next
For example, on the first picture you know directly that the green side is the front side, thus the blue
side has to be its back side, etc... We can also already announce that in the following instructions the
upper and the down side will always be either the white or the yellow side of the cube.
Sometimes it is a benefit to see the cube from a different perspective. In this case you will see the
cube in the basic position and in a different one and all these pictures will in that case be connected
by the symbol: &. For example:
This means that the 3 pictures above show the cube in the same configuration
but from different perspectives.
Moreover, to orientate yourself still better on the cube we will use the term of
layers of the cube. These will be called the upper, the middle and the bottom layer
and describe the following parts of the cube: