Free to download. Logo-free.
Weight, length, area, and volume in one easy-to-read table,
with the note that one liter is one cubic decimeter (and related identities)
and a glossary of the acronyms (like kg, km,..).
The poster is available in English, French, German.
Recommended: print the poster in color, in size A3 or A2. Here the version with cropmarks for print: EN, FR, DE.
The essential additions: there are no repetitions (there is 6+7 but not 7+6) and there is no addition by 0.
Recommended: print as poster in color in size A3; print as handout in size A4 (either color or black and white).
The essential multiplications: there are no repetitions (there is 6x7 but not 7x6) and there is no multiplication by 1 (which is immediate).
IMAGES FOR MUGS (they can be printed on a mug as one would print a custom photo)
More poster images: classical multiplication tables,
easy multiplication tables.
Recommended: print the poster in color, in size A3.
Recommended: print the poster in color, in size A3. Here the version with cropmarks for print pdf.
The images below can be each printed as poster. They can also be printed as Maths Calendar
(A3 landscape, spiral binding; pay attention to the reverse pages because the spiral must always be on top of the image).
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
The images (produced by Plan K, HUMAN MADE, SO Graphiste) are a courtesy of the University of Luxembourg,
The Maths Calendar was also sponsored by Scientix Ste(A)m Partnerships, European Schoolnet, cisco.